
2018年8月10日,新西兰华夏文化文化艺术交流中心的举办的第七期文化艺术系列讲座今日特别邀请到来自于北岸地区警局Waitemate区域拥有15年工作经验的Raymond Wong警官,给大家支招如何自我保护,处理紧急情况。围绕华人安全话题为大家提供来自警方专业的防卫知识和应对技能,共同创建和谐社会。

On 10th August 2018, NZCCAEC hosted its seventh public culture & arts seminar series. We have invited New Zealand Police Ethnic Liaison Officer for Waitematā District, Raymond Wong to give us a speech on safety. Raymond starting the seminar by introducing us on what to say when you call 111 emergency number, he explained to us what to remember and to say even if you don’t know how to speak English. He also told us some common scams and frauds that we should be aware of, and how to keep personal belongings safe.