
2018年9月14日上午10时,第八期新西兰华夏文化艺术交流中心之文化艺术系列讲座本中心圆满举行,此次讲座由新西兰艺术学院声乐客座教授孟建宏老师 热情洋溢的为大家讲授声乐基础知识及发展史,包括中西方声乐特点,歌剧和艺术歌曲,汉、英、德、法、意大利语等不同地域歌曲及演唱风格,同时带领大家发声练唱及视频欣赏。在周五的清晨跟随歌唱大师的引领,大展沉睡的歌喉,唤起和调动潜藏的音乐灵感,在歌声中唱响美好的一天

On 14th September 2018, NZCCAEC hosted its eighth public culture & arts seminar series. We have invited James Meng, Tenor, to share his teaching experiences in terms of different problems that he encountered while he was teaching opera in China back in the old days. James also shared some of the singing skills and techniques that our audiences could practice at home.