
2018年7月13日, 上午10点,新西兰华夏文化艺术交流中心的多功能厅座无虚席,我们今日第六期的系列公益讲座特别邀请到新西兰歌剧院合唱指挥、新西兰合唱联盟主席、世界合唱研讨会艺术总监John Rosser先生为我们带来合唱专题大师讲座。通过John生动专业的讲演,除了让我们了解到合唱音乐的知识和历史,还现场教授了基础的声乐训练和合唱的演唱。现场气氛非常的活跃,大家被John 生动的讲解所吸引和感动。因为专业所以卓越。

On 13th July 2018, NZCCAEC hosted its sixth public culture & arts seminar series. We have invited New Zealand Opera Choral conductor John Rosser to reveal us the beauty of choral singing and taught us the knowledge required to be a choir member. John also use ‘row rowrow your boat’ and “Brother John’ as examples to let us feel how those two songs can be blended harmoniously as a choir song. He also taught us some basic vocal training techniques which was very useful. It was overwhelming popular as we have over 60 audiences came to the seminar.