新西兰华夏文化艺术交流中心第四期讲座圆满举办!本期主讲嘉宾–新西兰著名时尚造型师Nora Swann围绕穿衣色彩、服饰搭配、寻找自身闪亮点、中新服饰观念等与观众们展开热烈讨论,大家不仅有所收获,也体验到文化艺术的多彩多样和新西兰设计师特有的风格。
NZCCAEC hosted our fourth culture & arts seminar of the year 2019 which was free to the public. We have invited Ms. Nora Swann, the owner of Nora Swann Ltd and the expert of fashion design and image design, to introduce the Fashion and Art, to pass on some tip about clothing and colour matching.