2018文化中国·魅力华星-庆中秋·迎国庆 大型文艺晚会

2018年9月30日,新西兰华星艺术团联合新西兰文化艺术基金会、新西兰华夏文化交流中心、StoneWood 共同主办2018文化中国·魅力华星-庆中秋·迎国庆”大型文艺晚会。届时,奥克兰总领馆许尔文总领事,总领馆周暐、肖业文副总领事、张和清领事,新西兰国会议员杨健、梅丽莎·李、市议员杨宗泽,新西兰歌剧院音乐总监John Rosser、Tahu Dance company Director Moss 等当地政要、各界嘉宾、华社领袖以及各界代表1100余人出席。全场由新西兰华星艺术团打造的二十余个节目精彩纷呈,各具特色,现场气氛热烈,感谢所有的支持方以及台前幕后所有的工作人员,祝大家国庆节快乐。

In collaboration with NZ Huaxing Arts Troupe and NZ Culture & Arts, we co-hosted the ‘Culture of China, huaxing gala night’ at Bruce Manson Centre. NZCCAEC have provided trainings and rehearsals for three programmes of the show. Consul-General Madam Xu Erwen, Vice Consul-General Mr. Zhou wei and Mr. Xiao Yewen, Consul Mr. Zhang Heqing, Ms. Melissa Lee M.P., Dr. Jian Yang M.P., Auckland Councillor Paul Young and many other V.I.P.s and guests have attended and watched the show during the night.