2024 Whau Chinese New Year Multi-Culture Festival 2024 Whau多元新春文化节圆满举办!

The Whau Chinese New Year Multi-Cultural Festival, organized by the Whau District Council of Auckland, in conjunction with Synergy Chinese Community Centre, Hannah’s Sports Centre, New Zealand Chinese Culture and Arts Exchange Centre (NZCCAEC), International Women’s Association of New Zealand and New Zealand Huaxing Art Troupe, was held this morning (February 18th) at the Olympic Park in the West End of Auckland City. Visitors attending the park shared delicious food, watched a non-heritage cultural roadshow, enjoyed cultural performances, interacted with each other and sent each other blessings for the Year of the Dragon.

由奥克兰市Whau 地区议会主办,并联合Synergy 西区华人社区中心、汉娜文体中心、新西兰华夏文化交流中心、新西兰国际妇女会和新西兰华星艺术团主办的Whau 新春多元文化节于今日上午(2月18日)在西区的奥林匹克公园隆重举办。

主办方代表奥克兰Synergy Community Trust 主席吴丹平,以主席May Thomas 率领的Whau地区议会议员团队,中国驻奥克兰总领事馆文教处主任周立和领事吴凯,工党国会议员Hon. Carmel Sepuloni、Hon. Dr. Deborah Russell、Hon. Phil Twyford,新中友协奥克兰分会主席Mike Dawson,联合主办方新西兰华星艺术团团长、新西兰华夏文化交流中心主席李芬,新西兰国际妇女会廖小雪等出席并为舞狮点睛致辞,并送去节日的问候和祝福。


